Nicki Hawkins

Based in Basingstoke, Nicki is the Operations Manager and has been working with RazorSecure since the company’s inception.

Q: Can you share an example of a project at RazorSecure where you were able to push boundaries and create something truly impactful?

A: Planning last year’s summer party! We went from cosy gatherings of twenty to a vibrant celebration for over fifty people. This meant collaborating with external catering and entertainment, securing a venue, and coordinating travel and accommodation on a much larger scale. Witnessing Lewis belt out karaoke was an unforgettable highlight! More importantly, the event marked a significant milestone for our rapidly growing company. With many new faces joining the team after COVID restrictions, it was the first time many colleagues had the chance to connect in person. It was a truly impactful experience!

Q: Talk me through your role at RazorSecure and the typical projects you get involved in?

A: I can't wear all the hats, but I certainly feel like I'm involved in everything! From the moment a new hire joins, I set up their accounts and help them get settled in, I’m also the financial guardian, making sure the books are balanced and everyone gets paid on time, whilst managing the processes behind gaining the ISO 27001, 14001, and 9001 certifications.

On the hardware side, I manage the logistics, ordering, storing, and shipping our products to happy customers. I also orchestrated the big move to our new office last year, and in general, I’m behind making sure everything from coffee pods to leaky roofs are taken care of, as well as event planning, booking rooms, catering, and travel. As a Team Lead, I keep our project managers on track through daily catch ups, making sure the business stays on course.

I always lend a helping hand to Alex as his Personal Assistant, but beyond the tasks, I like to think of myself as the heart of the office, the one everyone can rely on as the ‘Office Mum’ and ‘Chief Morale Officer’.

Q: Can you describe the overall culture at RazorSecure? What makes it unique?

A: We’re lucky in that we’re all quirky and often in such similar ways. RazorSecure's flat structure encourages open communication and mutual respect. Our team thrives on diverse perspectives, with people always ready to jump in and help each other out, all while keeping the atmosphere light and fun, and with a relaxed attitude towards management. We foster a supportive environment where you can be yourself, have fun at work, and achieve your goals.

Q: Could you share your strategies for balancing the demands of a full-time position at RazorSecure with your passion for stage management in amateur theatre productions?

A: I am part of an amateur dramatics company and although on the surface it might not seem like it, there isn’t a lot of difference between Operations Management and Stage Management. Both involve orchestrating diverse teams with unique skills towards a common goal. Whether it's wrangling sales, development, finance, and HR, or coordinating sound, lighting, and actors, the core skills are surprisingly transferable. Plus, RazorSecure taps into the talent pool of actors and stage crew, leveraging their adaptability and teamwork. And thanks to our flexible work structure, I can seamlessly blend both worlds.